Per-fékt Brow Perfection Gel

Brows have never been a thing of interest for me. I was born with full-on, thick eyebrows. Up until college, I never touched my eyebrows and (let me boast a little) heard many-a-compliments that I had a naturally full and arched eyebrow. For the hairless folks, I guess my eyebrow was something worth envying. I went along with it and never thought much about them.

But, there comes a time when a girl looks in the mirror and feels something ticklish to go pluck them. I don't know what it is! But you look at a perfectly shaped eyebrow sometimes, and you feel like you just have to do SOMETHING to it. Well, I had that moment as well. I wanted something a bit thinner, but not too thin! My mother objected adamantly to me grooming my eyebrows. However, against her wishes I plucked it and... well, it didn't go so well.

Then since then, I was on and off with grooming and not. Eventually, even if I had plucked them all out of shape, they'd grow back to its usual arch and shape... and definitely, back to its fullness. The fullness bothered me time to time, and eventually, my natural arch changed shape and somewhere somehow something went a little bit wrong.

So, within the past two years, I've had to touch them up here and there. There are days when I get the exact shape and pluck just the right amount. Then, there are the days when I completely ruin them and I'm left thinking... what do I do... You see, what comes with the fullness of my brows is that each hair is so thick that even taking out one single strand of hair, I could change the entire shape of my brows!

Okay, so with my whole narrative about brows... let me finally get to the point. I'm not a brow girl so I may not have the depth of the brow world knowledge. However, recently I ruined my eyebrows and had a weird shape with few tiny bald spots. I went to my sister's room, picked up this per-fékt "Brow Perfection Gel" and started playing around with it.

It didn't take long before I had these really pretty arched eyebrows again! This filled in the little empty spots and mattified the prickly short hair down smack on my skin. The unruly ones were tamed by this paste, and the finish? Absolutely natural!

The shade she bought was "Espresso" and it was the perfect shade for me. The slight dark brown tint wasn't overbearing. It's really easy to work with as well, considering that even a brow-newbie like me could "per-fékt" my brows. I've tried per-fékt products before and I found they were really nice. However, I never got the chance to venture too much into them. With this though, I think I'll either steal my sister's forever, or go out and get my own handy wand! I love it. And let me say again, most brow gels have this really tacky and slimy finish. But this has a really natural one. You can't detect the gel, but it does the work of organizing those unruly bits into one fine arch! I find them to do the job of both a gel and an eyebrow pencil.

What are some of your favorite brow products?


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