Christmas Decorating!

My family is obviously a distant relative of Scrooge because we don't celebrate Christmas in any festive manner whatsoever! After twenty-some years living without a choice as Scrooge and hoping that someone would change their ways and actually help make some Christmas spirit (I'm the baby of the family hence I don't have too much control over what goes on in the living room!), I decided to finally take charge and celebrate Christmas the way one's supposed to! (Not making any grand cultural or political statements here :)) 

I asked my best friend (of ten years!) to help me do some Christmas shopping. Now, these are two girls who have never done any Christmas tree shopping at all... or have done much of any Christmas decorations (don't judge!). We kind of thought that buying a real tree would be too much a hassle setting up, let alone even hauling it on the car! So we decided to go for an artificial tree instead.

Our first trip was to Target. I saw that they sold artificial trees that looked really nice and real! After failing to find the right height and finding that it was too expensive, we decided to just buy a few Christmas decorations and hop back in the car and drive over to Home Depot. A kind lady at the store told us that we could get 6ft-9ft trees for about $40! So, off we were. 

Quite happily, the guy at the Christmas tree shop was so helpful! We had a hefty and hearty talk at the store, and what's more was that there were SO MANY TREES. And my my, we learnt a lot about the different kinds of trees. Did you know about Noble Firs, Balsm, Fraser Fir... etc.,!?! :) Anyway, we wanted the popular and pretty Noble fir tree but they were almost sold out. About 40 minutes in and looking through about 30 trees, we finally found THE ONE! We were so picky but the guy, once again, was super duper nice! After all that search, someone at the store followed us and hauled the tree on top of the car :) All was well, all was well! We didn't think we'd actually come to this... hauling a 7ft. tree on our car, but that's what we ended up doing...

We came home and started decorating right away. It was hours of shopping and finally we were getting to the FUN part! It was my first time doing all this Christmas business and it was so exciting. My sisters watched on and helped tie the knots on the decorations. 

That's me concentrating on tying the knot of the bulb thingy! 
We bought a few individual decorations like a "Joy" and "Peace" sign, and a few special bulb decorations. The rest were filled with the bulbs that came in packages. We got the regular sized ones and the rather smaller ones so we could mix-match them. We had to use about 4 of the 100 lightbulb cords to wrap the tree. I'm afraid we actually need more but for now, this'll have to do!

Here's my friend helping out!
Here's the pretty "JOY" sign I was talking about!
We also made these custom ribbons to put on the tree. Aren't they so pretty?

I love the red polkadots! I've come to realize that without RED, there's nothing to a Christmas tree! We did buy a lot of red snowflakes and bulbs, but we found that the more reds, the better.

 It took quite awhile to decorate. Nothing seems as easy when you're the one that's actually doing it :) But it was a very festive way to prepare for Christmas.

This was our final product! Unfortunately, my camera wasn't helping to pick up the colors well but it still looks pretty, doesn't it? Suddenly, the whole house felt warm and cozy. I felt I needed to go make hot chocolate next! Only... by the time we were done, it was already 12am.

I hope all you readers of this post have a happy, safe, and all-too merry Christmas and holiday! On a sad note, today was a tragic day for the families and friends of the Connecticut school massacre. I know I don't want to bring all your moods down, but it just saddens me that with the coming of Christmas, not all families can be merry. So, do keep some of them in your prayers. How heartbreaking it was to just hear about it today :(

On another P.S. note, I bought a mini-artificial tree from Target. This was a mere $11 dollars and it was perfect to have in my room. Because my room is on the 2nd floor, I wanted my own personal time with the Christmas lights. It's adorable isn't it? As merry as these lights are, I shall hope that all of you have a blessed Christmas time! :)
A 2ft. mini Christmas tree from Target, placed in my bedroom!

1 comment:

  1. I add a correction on here since I have been criticized by my sister, an avid reader of EE herself :) that... we actually were quite festive about Christmas until a few years ago when my parents thought we were "old enough" for them not to have to go out of their ways to be "festive"! so there, sis, happy I discredited our fam as Scrouges?! (although come on... even a few years without Christmas trees don't feel great!)


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