December Glossybox "Glamour, Glitzy & Gloss"

December Glossybox felt like a Christmas present. The box had a festive packaging and I was quite excited to see what was inside. Inside there was....

  • Acacia Protein Oil (hair care)
  • Madurai Jasmine & Mogra Bath & Shower Oil
  • Heartland Fragrance Bath Salts (white tea)
  • Heat Protect spray by Oscar Blandi
  • Perfume by Issey Miyake (Pleats Please)
  • Zoya Glitter (black)
  • Bonus: JewelryMint earrings
The box was more pamper focused than makeup focused. I absolutely love the Zoya glitter nail polish and I can't wait to try it. I'm also excited to try the Heartland bath salts. Although I don't have a bathtub (only a shower), you can use these bath salts to exfoliate. I'm excited for this because I've grown a respect for Heartland and their wonderful bath products! I took a sniff of the eau de toilette and... have to say I'm not too fond of the scent :/ As for the rest, I shall have to try them out :)

For bonus they added these earrings by Jewelry Mint. Though thankful I am, I know I'm not going to be wearing them... 

Overall, I'd give the box a 7.5/10. I rate them by a general totally subjective scoring :) If you'd like a more thoughtful and analytical scoring of the monthly boxes, do tell me down below. I'll find some rubric to follow so that these scores mean more than what I think of them!


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