Merry Christmas! NYC's Trees & Cupcakes

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful and lovely holiday. I wanted to post a Christmas post before the day was actually over, but I came home late from a long Christmas day and it's only now that I get to organize my pictures and get up a post!

I don't share too much of my life online (anymore) but for a brief, for the past fifteen years I've spent Christmas eve caroling all night with dear church folks. Then Christmas day, after going to church in the morning, I get completely burnt out that I go home and sleep for the most of the day. All in all, there were only a few Christmas days that were spent "memorably". Although I've had really amazing Christmas days in the past, today was the first time I braved the crowd and took a look at the giant Rockfeller Christmas tree! I've always made time to see ZE TREE, but never on Christmas day.

Look at how large that tree is! It is so so beautiful. But also look at how many people were there. 

The building across Rockfeller Center that had projectors lighting a visual against this side of the building! A NYC Christmas tradition :)
I was standing near the front of the building that had the projected lights shining on it. When I was done watching the light show, I turned around to see so many faces so focused on the building! I found this rather amusing and so I took a snapshot of the view. Let me tell you though that what you see is a small fraction of the amount of people that were standing before me.
Where the Rockfeller Center ice rink is.
Large-size toy soldiers stood all along the side, making the whole scene seems so magical!

It was absolutely marvelous! My, my... I always wonder how trees can ever grow to that massive size! It's truly breathtaking and I can't help but be thankful that I live close to the city, enough to go whenever I want! I love the vibe of the city, the bustling streets, and just the joyous festivity of Christmas day.

I wanted to do a LOTD (look-of-the-day) post for you guys, featuring my two recently purchased lipsticks (Rebel and Honolulu Honey), a deep red and nude lipstick. However, caroling all night made my skin tired and face swollen from tiredness. Maybe I'll feature a holiday-look for some other occasion. Anyway, I bundled up for the weather. Thankfully, it wasn't that cold. I wore my recently purchased Forever21 hat that I absolutely love. Hats are winter essentials indeed!

We stopped by "Baked by Melissa" cupcake store. It's a quaint cupcake store that sells their famous bite-sized cupcakes. I bought the 12-piece for $10 and it is so delicious! The looks of the cupcakes are equally delicious :)

As much as I like trying new tastes, I wanted a solid amount of Red velvets so I got 5 of them. Then a few of their classic vanilla cupcakes (the 3 in the 2nd row), and then one of each of: smores, peanut butter, and cinnamon.

They are really tiny! 
Times Square all the way up to the Rockfeller Center was packed. I literally had to mentally "let go" of trying to "make it" through the crowd. The streets were swarming with people and there was just no chance of swerving through those many people and getting anywhere fast enough. But besides the crazy amount of people, every corner was packed with something to see. There were lit up trees and Christmas decorations everywhere. The Empire State Building was lit up red and green and it was very festive to see!

Wherever you are, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I will leave this post with a magical word: BELIEVE. It is something that means so much to me right now in my life... to believe. I hope the dreams and wishes, the prayers deep inside our hearts will all come true in 2013 :)


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