PUMP it up! (Nars Foundation)

I knew the problem even before it was a problem-- that the Nars liquid foundations did not come with a pump and therefore was a bit inconvenient and unhygienic. I didn't think I would have too much problem without a pump so I simply purchased my Nars Sheer glow without much thought.

A week into using this foundation and I've went on the Nordstrom website and ordered myself the Nars pump ($6) designed for their liquid foundations (Sheer glow and sheer matte). I thought, GREAT!

I received it today and all was well. I unscrewed the cap and replaced it with this Nars-y pump and was all happy to think how easy everything was going to be...

Until I tried to closed the big outer cap onto the pump.

It didn't fit! That would mean that if you were to use the pump and you needed to carry it around, you'd have to hope that the pump wouldn't somehow untwist itself into opening and screwing up your makeup bag or something!

Another bothersome thing is that it isn't so pretty without that sleek cap to complete the look of its sleek rectangular bottle. (Yes these things matter!)

So now that I've already replaced my little cap for this pump, I am bothered! I thought Nars designed it "specially"for their foundation bottles, which would mean that the outer lid/cap thing would fit nicely!

I realized then that I remembered someone saying that one of the MAC liquid foundations had the pump that fit the Nars foundations as well. Again, I don't know if it'll be the same case as this one where it fits the bottle but not the lid!

If only it did fit, I would be such a happy chapper!

Anyone know of other ideas? x


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