Bright Eyes

I'm on a roll with Burberry products aren't I? Besides their price, I love their beauty products so much (as well as their fashion). I hardly see them go wrong. Every product is such a treat to the face. This time, I want to talk about the Burberry Sheer Concealer (Luminous concealer) which is perfection for under-eye brightening.

I'm going to just put it out there. I don't have dark circles. Not unless I haven't had a week of proper sleep, which I have to say, happens time and time again. Otherwise, my usual self never finds any problem with concealing under the eye. However, there are those undeniable days when you definitely need a pick-me-up. You do your makeup routine. You look in the mirror. Something isn't... well, fresh. Then maybe you think it's the color foundation you used, or maybe the eyeshadows. But then you realize, it's the usual routine. Nothing's different, so what's wrong? Well, more often than not, I've found that what you may be needing is some... BRIGHTENING.

What I found lovely about this Sheer Concealer is that it is definitely sheer. I'm young and so I don't have wrinkles under my eyes. But I often share beauty products with my older sisters and I thought this would be a great component to look for in a under eye concealer that we could all share. This doesn't crease at all, even in the fine wrinkles. It's so moisturizing and "wet"(?... that doesn't sound too flattering but you know what I mean).

It's a pen so if you just click, a nice amount comes out. Don't click too much though! Then you can put it under eyes. I like to just pat it all along, almost like a triangle downward from my eyes. This instantly brightens the eyes and the entire face! Of course, this isn't just for the under eyes. It's great for wherever you want to brighten. Maybe on the ridge of your nose, on your chin, and maybe mid-forehead. Love it!

The color I have No. 02 in "Soft Beige". For those of you who don't know me, I have a light-medium (more of a medium) yellow-undertone skin. As you can see, this has an orange/peach tone. That, as I have learned through beauty blogs, is exactly what you want to look for to cancel out the blueness of the under eye dark circles! It really does the work.

Although I don't use this often, I have to say it feels reassuring to have it around for those not-so-good days!


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