ATOMY: Again Serum

For the troubled, sensitive, dehydrated skins! Read on: 

Excuse the over-exposed flash. Not a single picture of this product came out well :(
I always feel cautious when writing about skincare. The thing about skin, especially for those who have troubled skin, is that the skin continuously evolves and changes through season, age, and well... hormones. That means, a product that may have lifted your skin from the depths of despair, may probably be a futile product for you a year from now. Hence, to swear by a skincare product is a very cautious deal.

Therefore, this product I am introducing in this post is something that has helped me immensely these past few weeks. However, depending on the climate of where you live and what "type" of skin you have at the present moment, this will make matters different for each and every one of you.

So, what is this product that has been the most reached and loved skincare these past few weeks? It is ATOMY's "Again Serum" from their Calming System range. Atomy is a Korean brand that sells body and skincare products. They have recently launched their luxury skincare lines, and of them is their Calming System range. It is specially made for those with extra sensitive and troubled skin. Someone introduced me to these products at the peak of my "sensitive and troubled" skin period.

The Calming System comes with a toner and a lotion, and of course, this serum. I have used all of the toner and lotion without a chance of reviewing them. What was left was this serum, and what I really want to talk about is, in fact just this serum. Their entire line has this citrus scent to it, and instinctively I thought it would be troubling on my skin (citrus acid). But on the contrary, for products with such a strong citrus scent, they were absolutely calming on my skin, even on days when I had done chemical/enzyme peeling on my face.

Of late, my skin has become immensely dehydrated. On top of being oily, I also felt constantly dry. I was spraying facial mists all throughout the day, but nothing would help the feeling of a cracked dry skin! After trying a bunch of facial oils, I thought I needed something water-based and truly hydrating. The only thing I could think of was a serum, and the only serum I had at the time was this.

The reason why I had this leftover and not the toner and lotion was because according to the directions these products come in, the serum was supposed to be used very little at first then gradually used more and more. I thought, by reading the directions, this was some super sensitive stuff. Hence, I had put it off. But in need of a serum, I tried using this and goodness! My skin was instantly hydrated. Instantly!

It is truly water-based so it feels so light. It also has a citrus scent and is a bit orange too. You put it on after toner, then finish it off with a cream or lotion. The next day, my face had a glean of hydration and radiation! It worked extra well with my Mario Badescu night creams. It helped anything on top of this serum to actually sink DEEP into my skin. You know how oils or creams can sometimes feel like it is just sitting on top of your skin or just skin-deep? The outer layer may look hydrated, but it doesn't feel like it's soaked your entire empidermia? Well, this completely changed that!

My breakouts diminished, and most of all, my face felt comfortable. I didn't see my makeup crack or my skin looking tense or troubled. As you know, hydration has nothing to do with oiliness. But it did help unnecessary oil buildup, and just, I could not be more impressed!

I am also finished with it. I have made my sister use it to get her aspect of things, but unfortunately, she hasn't used it consistently so I have no reliable feedback from her. But as for me, this has been more than pleasing. Whether in the coming summer, this would be continuously work well, I'd have to see. But so far, it has been oh-so-pert!

Though ATOMY is a Korean skincare brand, you can buy it here or read more about it here.


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