I haven't been talking about skincare much. However, there are a few things here and there that are worth a bit of mention I feel! Of them is the following:

During the end-of-the-year sale at SPACE NK, I went crazy. They were having an 80% sale on selected items and those items were pretty good. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. I put about 15 items in my online basket and by the time I was ready to checkout, more than half of them were sold out. I mean, I'm talking about Tocca candles for $8. Seriously?!? But all the candles I added to my cart were never sent to me. They were instantly sold out. It sucked even more that I didn't get to know I wouldn't be getting it UNTIL the only batch I was to receive actually came, with that disappointing notice that the rest were gone. Okay, still I was able to pick up TWO of these Dr. Sebagh BREAKOUT powder and cream. I never heard of this before, but the title was good enough for me. Then I saw this thing was selling for about $90 and I thought... it must be of some good value, right? (a bit materialistic, I admit). But it was on a super sale... something like $30? Come on, it doesn't hurt to try?

So I received it, read the directions, and read up on some of the review. It seemed pretty fantastic. The cream is a really really thick cream. You are given about six(?) powder tubes. What you do is take about .5 powder and an equal amount of cream and mix it up together. Then you apply soothingly all over your face.

The thick paste like consistency did not feel drying. I thought it would but surprisingly, my felt no tensing at all! And seriously, it keeps oil away. The next day after I applied this at night, I had less oil production! They recommend you use this cream and powder combination at night time. Then, during the day, since the cream might be too thick, you can mix a bit of powder with your own moisturizer. I've tried that too and it feels wonderful!

Quoting from the website:

Dr Sebagh says:

Activate by mixing the powder with the cream to let this potent formula clear, calm & mattify a problem skin. For the best skin balancing results use Breakout Foaming Cleanser morning & night, and the Deep Exfoliating Mask twice a week.

I don't try to use it day and night, first because it's pretty expensive and I just don't know if I could afford this when it's not on sale....... and second, because I have my usual daycare skincare. If anything, I use this when I feel especially oil or when my hormones are working up! I think this would be great in the summer, but I have yet to await the coming season.

So far so great. Only problem? The price, but hey. If you're up for something that keeps breakouts at bay, keeps oil levels down, and helps your overall skin... maybe this expensive combo is worth it!


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