The Fruity Greek-Yogurt French Toast!

I haven't been so excited to blog in awhile! Today is something notably different from any other posts I've done so far. This blog is a beauty & lifestyle post, but I haven't really been posting a lot of lifestyle posts. But today, I thought I'd do something different and show you how to make, what I think, is one of the most delicious French Toasts you'll ever eat! No, really. Homemade, organic, fresh, and oh-so-tastey crisp-yet-soft mouth salivating French Toast. It's the perfect breakfast, with all sorts of healthy food mixed in with substantial savory tastes to make your morning brighter! :)

What you'll need: (To make about 1-2 servings)
  1. 2-3 Sliced bread. I used Italian bread that is fairly large. This food is perfect when you have leftover bread that's gotten a little, just a tad dry. You can use that bread and it'll work just as well!
  2. One egg (organic, preferable)
  3. 1/5 cup of milk (organic, preferable). The amount is seriously your preference though. The amount I show you in the pictures is actually for about 2 servings. If you want to just eat for yourself, you can do just fine with less than that. The milk is great to make the egg mix softer!
  4. Greek Plain Yogurt. Picked mine up from Trader Joe. You can put as much as you want or as little. But this is the secret to having THIS TOAST so this is oh-so-necessary! 
  5. Maple Syrup
  6. Unsalted butter. The amount is intuitive...
  7. Oranges! I have already cut just the amount I need. You need about half an orange to bring out the taste. But, on that note: feel free to use more than just oranges. I've tried them with blueberries as well. Just dump in a slew of fruits that you like. I've just found that oranges taste the best in combination with the Greek Yogurt! 
  • First heat your pan. After it's warmed up a bit, put in a reasonable amount of butter. Spread it around evenly. Make sure you leave the heat on the lowest. This gives you time to prepare the toast!
  • Take a bowl and crack in the egg. Then add in milk. Then mix it all together. Make sure the yolk isn't still in shape! 
  • Then add small amount of Maple Syrup into the bowl along with the milk and egg. Stir them all together. 
  • Take one loaf? wait, slice? of bread and dunk it into the mix! Let the deliciousness seep through into every air hole! Flip it side to side, and make sure each side is full covered and SOAKED.

  • Then take that slice and bring it to the evenly buttered pan. Place the bread. You'll hear it all sizzle in butter!
  • Make sure you still leave the pan on the lowest amount of heat. Then go work on your second slice. Dunk it in, soak it up, and let it rest until you have space to place the second.
  • Make sure you keep on eye out on the bread that's toasting! Flip it twice and make sure it doesn't burn. You'll know when it's ready when the surface turns golden brown! Also, the reason to keep the heat low is so that the egg that's seeped into the bread is nicely and softly done!

  • While those two slices are toasting up, go work on your fruits! I sliced up my oranges into small pieces so I can spread it all over the plate. 
  • When I felt that the loafs were all done with their crispy golden brown surfaces (but still oh-so-fluffy-and-soft insides), I place them nicely on the dish.
  • I take the oranges and spread it nicely over the toasts.
  • Then I take a NICE BIG spoonful of Greek Yogurt on top of the toasts. 
  • After that's done, I pour maple syrup all~~~~ over! YUM.

  • Then voila!!!!
Yum. Yum. Tell me if you do try it! I'm quite crazy over this really all too simple dish :) The greek yogurt, like most plain yogurts are not the sweet kind that we know of. Yet somehow the mixture of the greek yogurt mixed in with the citrus taste and the maple syrup, along with the crunchiness of the French toast soaked with egg filling is just... SO GOOD!!!

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