Origins GinZing Eye Cream to DEPUFF & BRIGHTEN

Eye creams can really be a hassle. I've honestly been going on and off with eye creams, but I'm going to boast a little and say it's because I don't have wrinkles under my eye yet! Yet, I do know the saying-- start early because eye creams are to prevent and maintain, not fix the lines! So once you have them, it's not going to magically erase them. 

I've tried a bit here and there, often stealing bits from my older sisters. I found the eye products they used to be either too heavy or too tingly for my like. I discovered this one from Origins (the well talked about product) from several of my favorite beauty gurus. What made me really go out and get it was the depuffing agent in this cream!

Unfortunately, after my TMJ surgery about two years ago, my face has been easy to swell, getting puffy around my eyes, cheeks, and even my nose! Horrible, isn't it? Puffiness is one of my worst enemy, and so I thought this would be a great product to try out.

 It's a salmony pale pink content that will "refreshen" and "brighten and depuff". I find it right in the middle of heavy and light, and it feels so soothing on the skin. It has an INSTANT, and I mean INSTANT brightening effect under the eye. As for the depuffing, I find this pretty amazing as well.

Hmm, am I using to overflown words here? But I think it deserves its credit! Because I easily swell overnight (face), I wake up to puffy eyes very often. Sure I've tried putting ice on my eyes to depuff, but often times, it's only time that will allow my face to slowly depuff itself during the day. However, when I apply this at night and wake up the next day, my eyes are so awake and puffiness has seriously decreased. I can tell because my eye shape completely changes with how puffed up my eyes are or not! A good non-puffed eye day means a good makeup day for me!

I apply this morning and night, with a decent amount (however much that is) and apply it on the contours around my eyes. Some people apply it directly under the eye (the light skin area) but that's not where it should be applied! It's below that area where the thin skin and the pore skin meet. You also apply it all around even under your outer edge of the brows. That way, the product can actually seep into your pores and do the job. If it's just sitting on top of the thin skin area right under the eye, it'll just sit there all night!

You can see from the swatch how brightening the product is. I've patted it around a bit, leaving some content so you can see where I've blended it, just to show how brightening it is. If you want an eye-awakening eye cream, try this one out! It's seriously worth the hype :)


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