New Discovery: DRY SHAMPOOS

There are times when you discover something you've been looking for all your life, and all along it was right there. Okay, let's get to business. What am I talking about?


Okay, so this is an old thing. A lot of people have used it, but I haven't. I never thought of trying it. Never attempted it. And, I never heard good things about it from anyone around me.

But, in case you haven't read my previous mention of my haircare routine, I get my hair chemically straightened twice a year. Originally, my hair is a frizz-ball. Sigh. But when I chemically straighten it, it becomes a blanket of silk :)

All is well with the straightening process, but there is one huge downfall. You can't wash your hair for 60 hours. Now, I don't know about you, but that's crazy and I just can't do it. I end up waiting about a day and a half and give up. When I didn't have bangs, I could wait out two days or something. When I had less things to do with my life, I'd find the time in my week when I would have NOTHING to do so that when I end up with oily hair, I can just sit in my room and come in contact with no one (a bit exaggerated but still, true).

But this time around, I had not only bangs but work. I mean, I can't miss out work just because I have oily bangs??? So, I had to think of something to cut the oiliness. Then, I thought. Why not try out dry shampoos?

My original notion of the whole thing was: yucky, gooey, powdery, messy, and ineffective. I was nothing but doubts about it.

But then I watched Essie from Essiebutton talk about it in one of her videos, then I remember Ingrid from MissGlamorazzi talk about it. So, I decided to give it a try.

I went for Batiste dry shampoos. Ulta is currently doing a buy one, get 2nd 50% off. So, just in case I got one full size and one travel size, in the scents Floral and Cherry.

I mean, before I bought this, I really did my research. There are so many dry shampoos out there and so many mixed reviews. I went safe and got the cheaper one that had the best reviews.

This morning before work, I thought I'd give it a try. Lifted a portion of my bangs. PSSST. Spritz. Then I massaged it in with my fingers.

then.... voila! 

Fresh. Clean. Natural tousle.

The result was so good, I chucked the travel size into my bag and headed for work. I would spritz it maybe every four hours to give my bangs and anywhere a bit of a lift. Wow. It was so good!

Now, I'm literally addicted.

So, where was I before dry shampoos? I don't know. But what I do know is that now my life has gotten so much better and so much easier. And days when my hair is clean but my bangs keep getting weighed down, I can save some real shampoo for this and look as fresh as day :) Summer is also here. That can only mean sweat and oiliness. But no worries. I got these to back me up! x

completely filmed this on a whim! i came back from work and thought, why not! excuse the not-camera-ready face but hope it was helpful anyway.


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