Skincare Favorites & Routine #1

Introducing my current skincare routine and favorite skincare products! I've realized that the weather/season makes a huge difference on my skin. As the days became more hot and humid, I have been breaking out ever since and all the products I was using before just wasn't cutting it for me. I had to add in a few more products to get the wheel moving! Also, I call this my #1 routine/favorites post even though I have done a Skincare Routine post before. It's just I want to keep track starting this time around. This is also probably my summer skincare routine! So here they are:

left to right: Atomy "Again" Serum, Elizabeth Arden 8hr Cream, Michael Todd Blue Green Algae Toner, Michael Todd Charcoal Cleanser, Michael Todd Charcoal Exfoliator, Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion (Toner), Origins Rescue Mask, Origins "Clear Imrpvoement" Mask, Origins "Make a Difference" treatment, Mario Badescu Vitamin C serum
I am still trying out the Michael Todd's products. I had them for about five months now and I am still undecided about a few. My sister, on the other hand, faints over them. Literally, she can't say enough about it. I've seen it do magic on her skin. I'm still testing it out however, but currently I have been loving their Charcoal Cleanser, Blue Green Algae Toner, and their Charcoal Exfoliator. I'm kind of obsessed with Charcoal:

I am also going to do a Skincare Haul sometime soon, and in there you can see some of the other products I am trying out. But currently, as for masks, I am in love with these two from Origins. One is my 3rd repurchase! It's the "Out of Trouble" Rescue mask. This does wonders! A new addition though is Origins "Clear Improvement" Charcoal Mask. Oh goodness, I need to rave about this. So, this is one of the products that have saved me recently. 

To explain, my skin was not rejuvenating and so no matter what good moisturizer or serum was putting on top of my skin, nothing was working! My skin was terribly congested and I needed to flake away my dead skin, exfoliate it, cleanse it, and let it soak in some good moisture. Nothing was working. So, I started looking for something that would suck the goo out of my face. Basically, DETOX my skin. Eventually, I thought of this, and thought I'd give it a try:

I usually stray away from products made for acne skin. I find they are too strong for my uber-sensitive skin and dry me out too much. Hence, I never really knew if I should try this charcoal mask. Still, I knew I really needed help for my congested skin. My pores looked all icky and gross! I thought I'd give this a try. The first day I bought it, I put it on my face after washing it clean in warm water to let my pores open. Then, I left it on for about 20 minutes and then washed my face off. 

SO SOFT. The bumps subsided and my skin was so much clearer. It sucked the oil and dirt out of my skin so well! I'm honestly not a great fan of products that take forever to work. I like the instant kinds. The ones that make my skin look better instantly. And honestly, that makes more sense for me. This definitely is one of those products and after trying a sample, I went and got the full size. I have applied this every day since and have not broken out once. Amazing! 

After the mask and feeling ever so deeply cleansed, I apply this newly-purchased Origins Make a difference Plus treatment. I bought this because I read up on a lot of good blog-reviews on this product, especially from Essiebutton and GhOstparties on Youtube. My skin was feeling tight, dehydrated and in desperate need of moisture and rejuvenation. I heard that this was a great product for oily/combination skin. This was supposedly great in calming angry and aggressive acne!

Indeed! The next morning, in combination of good cleansing and good treatment, my skin was drastically different. It's been over a week since I used this treatment. My scars are disappearing slowly but noticeably, and my acne has definitely died down! I apply is day and night and it leaves my skin feeling so soft and really hydrated.

It kind of reminded me of this:

I reviewed Atomy's Again Serum here, and after that review, within a week, I was done with the product. It seemed so hard to get a hold of this item, but I have finally received my second bottle of this! Briefly summing up that review here, I love this because it hydrates my skin better than any serum I have ever tried. Don't know what it is, but my skin as of the past two years has often become really parched and dehydrated. Ugh! It gets to the point where I can't even smile because my skins so tight. No amount of moisturizer can sink in hydration like this serum can! I almost feel like it penetrates so deep into my skin, it even relaxes my facial muscles haha :) Love it and I'm so happy I've finally gotten my hands on this!

Another serum I love is this Mario Badescu Vitamin C serum. I've also reviewed this product singularly in this post. It is amazing for getting rid of scars and blemishes. However, I have found that when my skin is just dead and it needs help rejuvenating because something is just consistently blocking my pores, I don't use this because again-- if you are not cleansing properly and your skin is not prepped to take in great products, you'd just be wasting it by putting these serums on your face. You'll find that it'll just sit on the skin and NOT sink in. So, before I use this serum I make sure that I am exfoliating and cleansed properly (with the masks and whatnot I mentioned above). 

Another Mario Badescu product I have been loving is their Special Cucumber Lotion (toner). I use it in complement with the Michael Todd's Blue Green Algae Toner. I think the Blue Green Algae is good on days when my skin seems itchy and in need of antibacterial action! Then, the Special Cucumber is great when I want to heal and refresh my skin! I use them hand-in-hand on days when I need them, accordingly. 

Lastly, Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream is lovely! It replaces Vaseline as a much better lasting, truly hydrating, and necessary item for your handbag. I know Tanya Burr on Youtube raves on about this. Ever since her earliest videos, she mentions this as her favorite product.

I can see why! Great for anywhere and everywhere: lips, elbows, dry patches, face, cuticles... name it! It also smells so nice (not floral or sweet or anything, but very simple and a bit herbal). In the summer, when the skin becomes damaged by the sun, I think this will become even more handy. I use it currently though for my cuticles and lips. Love!

So basically, this is my skincare routine.


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