Life Update #7⎪Year 2015

It's year 2015. Crazy.
I'm not one to do the whole "new year, new me" thing. I stopped doing that a long time ago. Instead, I take the time to re-energize myself to work harder. Ever since I started a new chapter in my life, life has been too overwhelming to even think any further than a week or a month down the road. I don't sit and plan my life five years from now, let alone even six months ahead. I am getting by by doing what I need to get done and concentrating on small immediate next steps. That has made me productive and efficient in my work. It has also helped me calm down and not get so anxious about all the things ahead.

Indeed, 2015 has been the year I have been waiting for. It is packed with big "chapter" and I am quite worried about how I will manage them all. But I've gone through twenty-some years of my life, so I know that I will get by this year as well. Not just "well" I hope, but "great".

Every year, to help manage my time and to-do's, I have been relying on pretty Moleskin notebooks. I don't like the already drawn dates and lines as my calendar. I like a regular notebook that I can fill in myself. There is fun in picking out "the year's" notebook, and this year I've picked Le Petit Prince limited-edition notebook to help me get through the year.

Now, plans for my blog. Not much really. I hope to blog more, but that is always a challenge given the amount of work I have in my normal day-to-day life. But I hope to do more creative blogposts and bring to you, my dear readers, more product and brand discoveries - as well as makeup inspiration and ideas. My Youtube Channel is a bit down as well, but I will definitely try to get more things uploaded on my channel. I can tell quite readily by the statistics that people prefer to watch than read. Still, this blog is my baby and I hope more of you will enjoy this creative little space! :)

I'd love to know what some of you wish to see on my blog or Youtube channel. I know there are a few of you who always stop by my blog and leave little comments. I truly appreciate your feedback and hope more of you will interact with my blog! Again, I'd love to know what you wish to see and any other random bits. Leave my a comment down below :)

And Happy 2015. Welcome to the New Year :)


  1. I look forward to picking out a paper journal at the beginning of the year as well. What I love more though is seeing how battered and scribbled and dog-eared my journal gets as the year goes on. I'm always happy to read about anything that steals your heart enough to dedicate a post to. Thank you for carving out time in your busy life to fill this space so consistently. Happy new year! -J

    1. How kind of you to leave such a sweet message! Thank you :) I also love to look at my past planners and just pat myself on the shoulder for the handwork and how much I've done in the past year. Let's hope that this year is also filled with exciting and happy things!


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