Discovery Product #8⎪SebaMed Cleansing Bar

I'm adding to my "Brand Discovery" / "Discovery Product" series. This time, it is not about makeup . It's a skincare product, and in a bigger sense, about their skincare line that I've never heard of before. It is called SebaMed. My mother knows how much I ail about my skin and in her random shopping, she came across this brand and thought I should try it. 

I've used two Cleansing Bars already, and recently I've gone on their website to really check up on their brand. I am enjoying this cleansing bar a lot. I love how it washes off the residue of makeup after using Bioderma to erase the first layer. Also, I love how my skin glows right after I wash my face. It's a feeling that I've thoroughly cleansed my skin and brought back a kind of youthfulness. At the same time, it doesn't dry out my skin. But what I really like about it is that it makes my skin feeling so soft and moisturized.

Like for most skincare products, I can't swear by it yet but I do like it very much and I thought I'd let you in on this brand so some of you guys can check it out. 

Basically, SebaMed is a brand dedicated to keeping skin healthy by making all its products exactly made to the ideal PH level for the skin- which is ph5.5. Supposedly, based on research, this is the ideal ph for the skin, and their products are made to that ph level and therefore helps your skin maintain that ph. 

All of their products are completely soap-free, alkali-free, paraben-free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, etc., etc., etc., You know the drill. Kind of the ideal list for those with sensitive, break-out prone skin!

It really seems like a simple and efficient product, and that's why I love it. I checked their website and found that they sell in most drugstores in the US. Price? Very affordable. 

This brand was dedicated for patients with skin disease, and after finding how effective they were, starting selling to non-patients. I have to say it is pretty darn good, and I intend on trying more from their brand!


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