Beauty Progress Report #4. Comparing L'Oreal Hair Masks

Long answer short, I have been loving L'Oreal Total Repair 5 Damage-Erasing Balm hair mask for the past many months. I recently came to an end of the pot, and need to go repurchase. That's when I realized I never featured this in any of my posts. Well, that's because I hate taking these things out of the shower and taking pictures of them. They can get pretty icky!  So I had put it off, but I thought I shouldn't keep this wonderful product to myself.

Damage-Erasing Balm
The Damage-Erasing Balm promises to erase up to 1 year worth of hair damage in just 1 use! I can't know for sure if it does just that, but I can definitely see how much of this hair mask makes a difference to my hair. One use, and my hair was left ultra silky, soft, and easy to comb through. I do a lot of chemical processing on my hair, and without hair masks, my hair is quite limp!

I use this mask in place of a conditioner, every day. Most people would never do such a thing, but I need a lot of treatment for my hair. I squeeze out all the water out of my hair after shampooing, then take a four-finger scoop of the product and spread it and comb it through my hair. I concentrate a lot of it at the ends, and some parts that are just really damaged. I leave it on as long as I want, even up to seven minutes! Maybe if you had very thin hair, you might not want to do it near the roots or that long.

Ever Riche
In comparison to this mask, the Ever Riche hair mask that I bought when in Paris is a "B" score for me. It acts more as just a conditioner then an intensive hair mask. It helps my hair look soft but it doesn't "repair" my hair ends. I know that when I comb through my hair, and it just tangles! Tangly hair means your hair needs more life. I still have half of this mask left, so I will use it up because it is better than not using any treatment at all, but I will definitely return to my Damage-Erasign Balm. (It smells coconuty-buttery nice!)

What I love about both of them is the amazing price! I can use the L'Oreal Damage-Erasing Balm over my more expensive Phyto hair masks. It's a good 5.0/5.0 stars :) Both are under $10


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