REVIEW: Mario Badescu's Drying Products

Drying for the right reasons, I would say. These "drying" products from Mario Badescu are pretty amazing for people who suffer from congested, acne-prone, oily-combination skin. At first, I was wary of this range. I am against using acne products, even though I have acne-prone skin. I have found that using "strong" products broke me out more. 

Drying Cream
But these were very different. First off, I want to talk about the Drying Cream which I have loved the most out of this range. I apply it only at night, and after my general skincare routine. It is the last step in my night-time skincare routine, and this is because the consistency of the cream is really thick. Also, if you put it on, it says you have to rub it into your skin until the whiteness of the cream goes invisible. I find that the "whiteness" doesn't completely go invisible, but you should rub it gently into your skin until it somewhat fades enough. 

What I love about this cream is that it does some kind of magnetic oil-pulling. I used to have little tiny oil bumps(?) all along my chin. You couldn't see it indoors, but when I took HD pictures, or when I was outside under a strong sunlight, you could see the bumps. After using this, I found that it literally sucked them dry. (ew?) It's almost like an overnight mask. 

After using this cream overnight, I find that my skin is just so much softer and smoother, which I found amazing since I thought it'd dry my skin the wrong way! When you wash your face the next morning, you will find that when you wet your skin, the cream washes off. As it washes off, it feels like it took away the excess of oil-buildup. 

Drying Mask
This is my new "detox" mask. I used to go crazy over the Origins Charcoal Detox mask, and though I still love it, this new Drying Mask has been doing wonders! Like the Drying Cream, this mask does a magnetic pull of unnecessary oil buildups. The consistency is so weird, and it smells horrible. But the effects are amazing! It feels like rubber, and you almost have to break it to scoop it out and put it on your face. It feels like rubber and smells like rubber too. 

But if you can bear the smell of rubber, I highly recommend this. I find that it wipes my face completely clean of any buildup. I leave it on for about 20 minutes, and when I wash it off, it seriously leaves my skin "squeaky clean". 

Do make sure that after you do this mask, you follow up with a good and gently toner, and a great hydrating moisturizer. You don't want to just leave your skin clean without replenishing it with the right nutrients!

Drying Lotion
This is probably the most well-known and loved product from this line. I, however, am not a big fan of this one. It is one of their spot treatments. I never was one to fair well with spot treatments, from any brand. Though I like this after a pimple pop(?), to lay this potion over, I don't find that it does anything spectacularly effective.

You are never to mix this. What you do is, take a cotton bud (q-tip), and dip it all the way in until it reaches the sulfur. Then you slowly pull it back out. Then you dab that pink liquid on your pimples or spots. It is meant to bring those down and get rid of them. I never found this to get rid of my pimples, though it did help sometimes to bring them down. 

If you were one to avoid acne products but you still suffer from acne, do give these a go! They are wonderful and they really do the job. As long as you use moisturizing and hydrating products with them, I think they would do wonders.

Again, Mario Badescu has done right. You can read more up on my love for Mario Badescu products here.


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