This post is following up on the post right before introducing the prettiest beige-pink nude nail polish! Here, I'm going to tell you about the easiest way to remove nail polish that will allow less hassle in the whole nail care/polish routine.
To tell you the truth, I am not a "nail gal" and that makes me a really lazy nail girl... meaning, once I find a shade I like, I wear it until it chips... and sometimes, that means going with the same shade for about a week. No, that doesn't mean removing and reapplying the same shade, that means, applying once and keeping it on for a week or more.
Yeah, if you are a nail-art guru and lover of all things nails... you're probably thinking I'm one lazy girl! But really, the process of removing nail polish is just a pain. I must admit, applying and waiting for it to dry is also another slew of pain sometimes. But after bloggers have been going on about the Bourjois instant nail polish remover, I thought, why not try the American side of things: Sephora's "Instant Nail Polish Remover".
There is no sickly alcohol smell you get with nail polish removers. It's rather bearable! In fact, I think they've scented it with something to cancel out that strong distasteful smell. Also, the sponge, as I mention again, is so super duper soft.
And to think it takes about 3 seconds!
I've tried cheaper ones because I can get nitty gritty about wasting money and so I thought, let's try the drugstore version of things... Well, the one I got from CVS was pathetical unhelpful! (Sorry to those who may find it favorable). It smelled like they poured the regular bottle of nail polish remover into the bottle, letting a thick, crude sponge soak it all up. Unfortunately, the cotton doesn't "soak it up" all too well so really, when you stick in your finger, you realize you're just swirling your fingers in a puddle of alcohol! But I mean, it was $3... so I shouldn't complain all that much.
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