Battle of the Primers. BENEFIT Porefessional vs. HOURGLASS Veil Mineral

I've made up my mind.

The Benefit Porefessional Primer is better than the Hourglass Veil Mineral. I have quite a few posts talking about primers, and each time I talked about summer products or anything about keeping makeup on all day, the Hourglass primer was always featured. (Read the primer posts here and here). But on a whim, I thought I'd give the Benefit Porefessional a try -- not expecting it to do as well or better than my Hourglass. Well... that kind of changed.

Here's what I love about it. It, as in the Benefit Porefessional. First off, it seriously keeps the makeup on all day. Each time I use it, I keep checking to see how my makeup is fairing and sometimes, I go eight hours without having to touch-up at all. Which, if you're an oily-skinned person, you'll know 8 hours is a pretty big deal... and in the summer too!

Second, it diminishes pores like nobody's business I tell you! I knew Benefit Cosmetics really do what they say they do, but it really blew my mind when it truly made a veil over my pores so that whatever I apply over it smoothes and glides on top! That really was the difference between the Hourglass primer. Though I love the finish of my makeup and it does a swell ol' job in keeping my makeup on throughout the day, it didn't help with the appearance of pores. But with this "Porefessional", I mean, it's like masking them pores...

Third, I love the consistency. It is slightly more jelly-like(?!?!) than the Hourglass primer. I guess what I mean by that is that it feels less slippery and as though it was really sticking to the skin. It still has a velvety finish once you apply it, but at first, it does feel more in-tact. If you know what I mean! Also, it has color so you can kind of see where it goes as you apply it. That gives me comfort, don't ask me why, when I see what I'm applying on the skin. The Hourglass primer is white and invisible, so you've got to apply it with a bit of trust and a little bit of pixie dust... heh. Hoping it'll be spread out evenly on your face. With the "Porefessional" you don't need so much trust. Ya know?

And finally, I guess I really love the packaging. Sure, Benefit has a bit gimmicky packaging, but it's also pretty cute. But what I really love is that it is super lightweight and travel-friendly. Although the Hourglass primer I have is also in a tube, this was a limited edition JUMBO size from Sephora. Their originally packaging it actually glass and with the pump, it's sometimes hard to take out all the products stuck to the bottom.

So, there. I've said it. I've vowed my love for this new primer and it is an absolute staple in my makeup routine.


  1. Yay! Now I can sleep well without thinking of the pricey primer I can't get my hands on easily because finally someone has said that my usual primer is better. Thank you! XD

    1. Yes! The Benefit Porefessional is amazing and it's been confirmed daily, under extreme humid and hot conditions, that this thing is DA best! :)


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