My Cult NARS Lipsticks

I was organizing my lipstick collection when I was looking through my Nars lipsticks and thought I don't really talk about them, and felt I should have a blogpost dedicating it to my cult faves from their lipstick collection. I don't have a lot of shades, but I do have one of each kind of color (a nude, a pink, a cherry, and violet)-- and I feel that really is enough. I love the shades I have, and I've repurchased them loads. And even though I love them, you know how they've become so normal for you that you find you forget to feature them in blogposts and videos? Well, that's the case with these lipsticks. I genuinely love them!

The four shades I want to share with you are: Full Frontal , Honolulu Honey , Funny Face , Roman Holiday.

I don't think the picture came out true to color. That's the thing about lipsticks. Sometimes, they are hard to capture their true shades. And again, colors look different for each skin color.

Full Frontal - seriously, NARS has some names for these lipsticks. Anyway, these limited edition lipstick is such a beautiful purple/violet lipstick. It is really purple -- not fuchsia or cherry-toned, or any of that. It is a true purple violet and I find it so flattering and different from other lipstick shades that attempt at a purple but fail by making them too pastel, too red, too pale, or too dark. I find this to be a perfect blend, and I do hope they make this a permanent collection!

Honolulu Honey - yellow-toned girls, this one is for you. A beautiful nude shade that blends like cream with your skin tone. It is more natural than say MAC's "Shy Girl". It's a gorgeous nude that is hydrating and easy to use.

Funny Face - this is the kind of fuchsia you want. As I was saying before, this is that blend of cherry-red and blue-toned purple. The color is very complex I have to say. In the pictures, it may look pretty red but it really has more dimension than that. I would think that different tones of the lipstick shade would shine through under different lightings. If you look close at the lipstick, you'll see the pearly blue-toned purple! This is on the more intensely-pigmented side of their lipsticks. It is super, super pigmented and it literally tattoos the lips.

Roman Holiday - guys, really. I've bought this lipstick four times. FOUR TIMES. And, that's after using each lipstick to the very very bottom. Can you tell how much I love this lipstick. It is a pink that Audrey Hepburn would wear. Something feminine, something soft, something classic, and something PINK. It is a light pink, but it's not too pale that it'd wash you out. I love it so, and the formulation is similar to Honolulu Honey. Creamy, hydrating, and pigmented (but not as intense as Funny Face).


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