YSL Rouge Volupté Shine Lipsticks

An ode to the YSL lipsticks, but specifically the line called rouge volupté shine. I never understood what the different rouge volupté formulations were, and what each line was. But, I have since been intrigued by their brand and decided to, once and for all, understand what their lipsticks were like! I've currently tried and bought one from each of their line.

But, I have come to the conclusion that the volupté shine are my favorite and what I think are the best. As I mentioned in my Beauty Haul post here, I am someone who loves to wear bold lip colors. Sadly though, I don't find myself in enough situations where I can boldly wear these bold shades. So, I am always looking for lipsticks that can give me the best of both worlds-- romance and reality.

These volupté shine lipsticks are absolutely practical in the sense that they are sheer enough to wear comfortably everyday in all situations, but not sacrificing the color payoff. I have gone for two particular shades, no.19 and no.14.

No.19 is drop-dead perfect. I love purple lipsticks, and this has got to be one of the best. I find most purple lipsticks being either too lavender, too red, too cherry, too dark, or too pastel. I like that saturated kind of purple. I find it so flattering for my skin tone and so many others. One that I found was quite spot-on with getting that exact purple shade was the 3 Concept Eye lip lacquer that I blogged about here.

But that one is really bold, something you can't wear everyday. But this YSL rouge volupté shine in no.19 is both purple and practical at the same time. The color power is also amazing. It's also super creamy and moisturizing.

No.14 is a beautiful coral. It's seems to be a really popular color since I see it constantly sold out. It is pinker than the other corals that they have in the same range (from my memory, no.15 and 16 were pretty orange-corals). It's perfect for that sweet and tarty summer look! :)

And need I say the packaging? It's YSL...

Because the rouge volupté lines all have the same packaging, I've always been confused as to what is what. Some YSL counters even have their lipsticks mixed all together so you can't tell the difference. Some even have the same number for goodness sakes! But now I know, this rouge volupté SHINE line is the best.

And on a final note, this is me wearing no.19 :)

1 comment:

  1. No 19 looks so wearable and unusual at the same time. It looks like the perfect lipstick for days when it's too hot for bronzer and red-orange lips and all you want is something fresh, clean, and bright. -J


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