Worth the Hype? La Roche-Posy Serozinc and Pixi Glow Tonic

I've had a good period of trying out these two unbelievably talked about (in the #bbloggers world) skincare products. These purchases were both made in their respective countries -- one in London, UK, and the other in Paris, France. They were a totally blogger-induced purchases, and I tried quite desperately to love them as much as they promised to do for my skin.

As you can see where this is going, I haven't fallen in love with these two products (at all). The week when I got back from my trip to Europe, Pixi had just launched in the US and they were making this hit "Glow Tonic" toner available to the US customers. Had I known, I wouldn't have had such trouble trying to carry that bottle back home. I spilt 1/4th when going to Paris, and then another 1/6th when I got back home!

But if it was going to be worth it, I was okay. But all along when I was using it throughout my trip in Europe and then when I got back home, I just didn't see what the hype was about. I was already committed to my Mario Badescu toners, and so this "Glow Tonic" didn't stand out for me at all. My skin was quite congested and it just really did not do much for my skin. I didn't break out especially either. Perhaps it is so gentle I don't see a difference? I completely used it, to be fair, but I would not repurchase it again.

The other hit item is La Roche-Posay's Serozinc toner. Again, a toner product that didn't do much. It is supposed to clear up the skin and just make the biggest difference for the combination skinned peeps. I am one, but this didn't make a huge difference in my skin. It does feel like water, and I do know that zinc is great for the skin-- but did I clear up more after using this? Did my skin seem to produce less excess oil? Did my skin look fresher? Did it clean up my pores? Did it tighten my skin the right way? No, no.. no and no.

I do have to say though that I did prefer the "Serozinc" over the "Glow Tonic". I felt less congested, but again, it just wasn't enough of a difference. Sigh!

I am back to using my favorite toners from Mario Badescu. Hands down, still the best for me.


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