Life Update #5

Apologies for being so dead on the blog! It is finals week and usually that means I've got dark circles down to my chin, sleepy eyes, crazy hair, and sweat pants on 24/7. It also means I lose all ability to multitask and that sadly means neglecting my little space of creativity here on my blog. But bear with me, I'll be done in a week and that means, BLOG TIME!

But meanwhile, want to look at my crazy makeup top shelf? I've organized it since, but most days when I'm running out without much time, it's kind of in this mess. But, I kind of like it all randomized like this too. But, it always gets out of hand way too quickly :)

Meanwhile, you can still enter my Missha giveaway here. It's open until the last day of this month, so enter while you can :) And for the sake of the few loyal readers I have, I also posted a blogpost on something that's been giving me sweet dreams. Check that out here!

If you've got any blogpost/video requests, always feel free to leave them in the comment section below! Hope you're all enjoying your week :)


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