DIPTYQUE Scented Oval, for the Car.

I love me some Diptyque and once I got my new car, I thought I'd pamper it up with a Diptyque Scented Oval to hang from the back mirror of my car. I absolutely hate the sickly new car leather smell, and I thought this would be a great way to get rid of it! There are those scented car products that also make me feel sick because they are too strong and smell artificial. But happily, I knew Diptyque would serve me well. I bought the scent Lavande to bring freshness, calm, and flowers to the car!

It's a bit of a luxury thing, but it definitely seems to be a good idea for me. These scented ovals are usually displayed and hung in rooms, but why not cars? The scent is at first quite strong, and it relaxes after awhile, but they are never too sickly at all. And because the scent itself is beautiful, I don't mind it being quite obvious!

The string is slightly long for the car, so you can just tie a knot on top and you'll have a perfect scented oval for your car :)

Sells at $50.00


  1. really love your blog! it is such a pretty design with interesting content! x x

  2. that is such a good idea! I never thought about putting one of these in the car haha. maybe one day when i get a nice car i'll get one of these for it hehe. Also, I think they had a set for the holidays of these too! :)

    1. interesting how you mention this because on haute look, I was just able to purchase that holiday set! That'll probably be better for the car since it is lighter. It comes without that ceramic frame.


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