Hello there, Beauty Favorites!

Judge me all you want as being shallow, but there is a kind of happiness about waking up each day to a selection of beautiful beauty products and pampering yourself with all sorts of things! Happiness can lie in greater things and of course they do, in areas miles and miles deeper. But to find a little joy in the small and shallow things don't make you shallow, nor are they a waste. It's fun and for all that it is, it's good to have fun sometimes!

Okay, so now that my intro is done, let me share with you some of my favorite beauty products! I have to say, honestly, that I love every single product I have. I don't regret a things I buy, besides a very few amount. I love using every single one of them, and it was quite difficult to select only a minimal few. However, I can say without hesitation, that these products are my absolutely favorites! I've repurchased most of them several times, never letting me down after all the uses I got from them.

I think a great deal of these products portray a good deal of the kind of makeup I like to wear. Someday I'd like to have a little tour through my minimal makeup collection and show you all that I have. I speak of each product as if they were my kidlings that need their own special attention in a special way.

From the Cire Trudon candle I've been obsessed with (had I the money, I'd stock up a closet full of them!) to the minuscule Benefit "Bella Bamba" blush sample, let me take you through some of the best beauty products (of course my opinion!) out there.

Take note of the beautiful setting please! Do tell me the whole setup is nice for I'm quite proud of it myself :)


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