My Little Corner ♥

Every since school started, blogging or even surfing online has been an impossibility. However, when stress builds up and I need to stop myself from burning out even before half the semester is gone, I allow myself to cruise along the beauty trends and topics. It's really enjoyable I must say. I know people think beauty is shallow and overrated. However, being able to find some joy in the small things is important. No matter how small, no matter how trivial-- these things are needed. (Not to say I have plenty of BIG things to find GREAT joy in as well :))

Anyway, I spend most of my days in the library now. It's not as torturous as it sounds. It's actually pretty fun (NO REALLY)! To make my little space in the library, I've made a little beauty corner for myself. I have more beauty stuffies in my bag, but to put them on display too would have been a bit too much. So, I just put the essentials right on my desk. They are my absolute MUST-HAVES and products I've repurchased several times.

So, here it is!

I've got my Reve de Miel lip balm by Nuxe, L'Occitane Hand Sanitizing Gel, Caudalie Hand and Nail Cream, and a Starbucks Mint. 

I can't say enough about these products (except the Mint). I love them, and I think they are one of the beauty essentials you need on your desk space. 

What are some that you keep on your desk or workspace? 


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