Review⎪Blendercleanser for Makeup Brushes

For the May 2012 "Gossip Girl" Special Birchbox, I received a blendercleanser deluxe sample in my box. I wasn't all too pleased with the box, hence I unsubscribed. But for what I paid, I thought I'd give each product a try. I recently tried the blendercleanser makeup brush/sponge cleanser to clean my makeup brushes. I know this product was specially made for their beautyblender makeup sponges, but since I don't own any and they say it's good for makeup brushes as well, I thought I'd give it a go.

I usually use Sephora's brush shampoos to clean my makeup, and I was never entirely happy with the results. But I simply thought it was just "how things were". However, when I tried cleaning my brushes with this new product a few days, I realized it wasn't "how things were" but simply the fault of the product I was using!

This brush shampoo seriously does the job so well! It's also lightly scented so it does give a bit of treatment to the entire process. I'm thinking their website would a better job in describing what the product is like so here it is:
Blendercleanser is a lightly lavender-scented cleanser that’s free of dyes and skin irritants. It’s soothing soy-based, low-suds formula breaks down rapidly, making it earth-friendly and fun to use. Soy has the added benefit of being one of nature’s finest moisturizers, so by all means, clean up with class and do it often.
I've loved how quickly the makeup is removed from the brushes, and how thoroughly it does the job! I used to dread cleaning my brushes because it would take about 30 rinses to get the soap and content out. This is quick and easy, and even after the cleaning-- I can safely say that the brushes are non-irritant and you don't have to worry about the product of the cleanser potentially irritating the skin! (P.S. I have sensitive skin!)

Loved it so much, I went and got the full size... I think... (180ml) and will use this to clean all my makeup brushes now on!



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