Fragrance Alert: FRESH Hesperides Grapefruit

I am a fragrance-philia (a word I made up but hopefully isn't too linguistically incorrect). I discovered this beautiful lovely scent from Fresh called Hesperides Grapefruit and for some strange reason, haven't featured it in a favorites video! It's probably because it's always in my bag, and I forgot about it. But let me just say that I have been enjoying this fragrance ever so much! The problem? It is sold out pretty much everywhere, including their own website.

The sell this fragrance in 3 sizes, and the only one I could find at the time was their rollerball size. After falling head-over-heels for this, I sought to buy the second size, which is a spray version. However, that was all out of stock. The only choice I had was the largest size ($88) and I wasn't too sure I wanted to have that large size. What I would like is the medium sized one, but currently, I can't seem to find it anywhere. I never explored any of the Fresh fragrances, and so was shocked to see how popular this particular one was and understandably so!

The scent is just lovely. It is fresh and so feminine. The grapefruit fragrances I know of are usually a bit musky and masculine, even though it is a fruity scent. Yet, this one is down to the last note, for the ladies. It smells so beautiful and fresh that every time you put it on, you smell like you've just gotten out of the shower. It is a great pick-me-up, and I doubt anyone would find this scent unfavorable because it's just one of those scents that everyone would sniff and say, "wow, that's nice".

I don't recommend the rollerball though. Especially in the winter, when you are wearing scarves and sometimes there a little fluffs of cotton around your neck. Because it's a rollerball, it picks up everything as it is rolling away on your skin and that just isn't a nice thing to see in a perfume bottle-- fuzzes of little things swimming around!

But besides the fact that it is out-of-stock, this has been my go-to-chuck-in-the-bag-always-great-to-put-on kind of fragrance! :)

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of reviewing this one for APJ. Maybe I will do that. I just got the Antoine Lie one and my first thought is I like it. I like those notes though. It's green and licorice. I love anise and licorice notes and love the way it smells green for more than just the first few minutes. I'll need to give it more skin time.


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