Which is Better?⎪Eyeshadows that Set like Tattoos

Today I want to do a little comparison post, comparing between some of the eyeshadows that completely set like tattoos on the eyelids. I was going to originally just introduce one of these as my recent favorite, but I thought, why not introduce a whole bunch that have similar formulation and finish?

To start off, the one I wanted to really talk about was the Stila Smudge Crayon in the shade "Antique". The color works perfect for my skin and for the lazy days, I find it so easy to smudge my eyelids with just this shade. Because these smudge crayons by Stila are quite "un-blendable" all I can really do it slap it on. These eyeshadows set completely, pretty much the moment you put it on. I find it almost impossible to blend it, even right after application. Because of that reason, it was something that I didn't quite reach for. But because it sets so completely, it sticks on the eyelids all day. I also love the shade "Antique" in particular because it is so natural but gives dimension at the same time. I find that I can get away with this single shadow across the lid and not needing other shadows in particular.

With that being said, one of the most popular Stila shades is the shade "kitten". If I were fair-skinned, I would have loved this for the all-over-the-lid application. I guess people love the shade "kitten" for the same reason I love "antique" - but the only difference is that "kitten" would look to white on my skin. So if you are medium-olive skin-toned, the "Antique" would be the perfect everyday shade, and if you are fair-light skin-toned, "Kitten" would be gorgeous! But of course there are no rules!

As I was swatching the Stila "Antique" I thought it looked quite similar to Maybelline's Color Tattoo in "Bad to the Bronze" - one of the most talked about shade in the beauty blog world. I delved into this pot as well, but I didn't like it so much. I have still yet to find out what the hype was. First off, the shade was too dark and dull for my skin. Unlike "Antique", which looks natural but gives dimension, I found "Bad to the Bronze" a shade that just darkened my overall features.

The Maybelline Color Tattoo, I found, was also a bit too chunky. This, like the Stila Smudge Crayons, is that it is so difficult to blend. Considering how dark the shade is, I wanted to blend it out. But it just made a bit of mess on my lids! It does set, and the shade has silver pigments in it. I might look pretty on more of the fair skin tones so that the color pops. Otherwise, for me - this was a bit of a no-no.

Now, going on to the high-end products: Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow and Charlotte Tilbury Colour Chameleon. I've already blogged about the Chanel one. I love it, and I especially love it in the summer because the shade is so beautiful and it has a water-wet look. As for the Charlotte Tilbury one, I've blogged about this one as well. I love the shade, pigmentation, and blend ability - all of that! But I still haven't figured out how I can wear it to look nice on me. If you do have light green eyes, this would probably look amazing.

Ratings: (out of 5 points)

Setting Power
  • Stila Smudge Crayons: 5/5
  • Maybeline Color Tattoo: 4/5
  • Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow: 4.5/5
  • Charlotte Tilbury: 4.5/5

  • Stila Smudge Crayons: 1/5
  • Maybeline Color Tattoo: 1/5
  • Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow: 3.5/5
  • Charlotte Tilbury: 5/5

  • Stila Smudge Crayons: 4/5
  • Maybeline Color Tattoo: 3/5
  • Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow: 5/5
  • Charlotte Tilbury: 5/5

Lasting Power
  • Stila Smudge Crayons: 5/5
  • Maybeline Color Tattoo: 4/5
  • Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow: 4.5/5
  • Charlotte Tilbury: 4/5


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